Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 12- How you found out about blogs & why you made one.

Sorry I fell off the 30 day blog challenge so I'm going to pick up where I left off which is Day 12.

I found out about blogs I think a couple of years ago when I was on Nutrisystem. I started to record that journey as well but oops! got preggers!! So here I am again trying a more affordable lifestyle change and BLOGGING about it!

Well I made the blog to hold myself accountable and to have a place just to vent and write. I love to write. As a child I had a diary and now I have a blog. lol... It's so much easier to type my thoughts because it goes down faster than putting a pen to paper. So there ya have it.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Weigh-In #5

Down 1.6 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so FREAKIN  happy! I had no idea it would be that big a loss. I thought I would lose point something again. Down 11.4 pounds total for the month of December! And I lost 5.5 inches off my body! What a way to end 2010!

So Friday weigh-in was the BOMB! I really really really like my leader. She is more entertaining than the last! I love ppl with a sense of humor and that's her! So Friday switch was a great choice. I am happy with it.

Today I started my Zumba 10-day challenge. The first DVD was "Cardio Party" and it was so much fun!  I will make a youtube video to post the results on January 10th. Looking forward to it.