Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sick Days...

I have had a cold the past couple of days. We had a scare with the baby on Wednesday night. He was, in my opinion, breathing very funny and making continuous grunting noises. He had just had his 2 month old shots earlier in the day so we didn't know if it was a reaction or what. It got to the point where his father and I were both scared and needed to get to the emergency room a.s.a.p. Well me being the panic stricken mother I am, did not put on a coat, a hat, or nothing. I ran out, in the nights freezing temperature, in a tank top, sweat pants, and (f)uggs. My hair was a mess and yes. I looked like a crazy woman. Did I care? Nope!

So the baby turned out to be just fine. He had a gas.We had switched formulas on him cold turkey; didn't realize we had to wean him off. Wow.. our mistake. So anyway, now I am sick. Struggling to eat well and drink lots of water and workout. Last weeks weigh-in was wonderful but this week might not get me where I wanna be. Today is Sunday and I am deciding to rest.


  1. Oh no! What a scare, I do not have any children and did not know that you had to ween them when switching formulas. I'll forever remember that. Poor baby, I'm glad that there was nothing seriously wrong. But I'm sorry to hear that you got sick, you poor thing. What a freight! I am going to continue reading and hope you got well quick!

  2. Thanks... yeah it was scary. I recovered quickly from the cold though.
