Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Weigh-In Week 1

Down 7 pounds! Can you believe it? I'm so happy. Now I know it's the first week and the first week is usually when you lose the most but still; it's a great head start dontcha think? I am going to continue doing what I've been doing which is stay in my points range, drink mostly water, and exercise (walking up to 5 miles a day).

Class was nice as well. My leader is phenomenal! She has a great sense of humor and makes the meetings fun and interesting. Today I learned that a lot of people are losing with the new pointsplus system and here is what they said they like most about it:
  • You get a higher daily points value!
  • Fruits are now worth 0 points!
  • The program just makes sense!
  • The program keeps you satisfied and full!
  • You get more activity (exercise) points values!
  • Less weight watchers math!
I tell ya... I love this program better than any diet I've ever tried. I even ate fast food THREE times during the week. And Bread; I HAD BREAD! We will see how next week goes. I have a feeling it will be good!


  1. Congrats on the success thus far! That's amazing. I am slowly loving the new program, it does work! I wonder why others aren't having success aka the ones who do not love it. Does it really not work for them or are they half-arsing it?

    I love your attitude towards the program and all the things that you can still eat. "And Bread; I HAD BREAD!" I love it.

    I also LOVE that weight loss comic at the end. It's soo true!

    Keep it up!

  2. Thanks... I think some people just have trouble with change. The program works so I'm happy! Lol@ the bread comment.. yeah I LOVE bread and never thought I could eat it and still lose weight the way some of these diets talk. Comic is true right? Makes me wanna exercise RIGHT NOW Lol...
