Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Weigh-In Tomorrow!!

Once again I'm nervous. I know the scale will show a loss but how much? I've kinda slacked on exercise this week.. been better with the food though. I did have 2 slices of pizza this week but all within my daily and weekly pointsplus values. So. We will see.

Breakfast: I had a blueberry fiber one muffin (I love these things!) and a banana
Lunch: I ate a lean pocket and light pringles
Dinner: Mmm... I made Lemon-Oregano Tilapia, mixed veggies, and 2 ranchero mini wraps
For a snack I ate a weight watchers chocolate creme cake (delish!)

Left with 3 points for the day and I'm NOT gonna use em. Ha! Take that scale! 


  1. Oh man, I hear ya on all of the nervousness before having to get on the scale. Your meals sound yummy, I'm so hungry! :D

    Oh this is Julia (WWBraveNewGirl) I'm going to be using my blogspot blog for a while. It's more widget friendly! lol.

  2. Ok great.. I will follow ur blogspot blog too!
